On 18 November 2021, City University of Hong Kong Press held a book launch for Can Hong Kong Exceptionalism Last? Dilemmas of Governance and Public Administration over Five Decades, 1970s–2020 at Run Run Shaw Library, City University of Hong Kong. In addition to the author of the book, Prof. Anthony CHEUNG (Former Secretary for Transport and Housing, and Former President of the Education University of Hong Kong), we were honored to have Prof. T.L. LUI (Chair Professor of Hong Kong Studies, Director of the Academy of Hong Kong Studies, Director of the Centre for Greater China Studies, Education University of Hong Kong) act as discussion moderator. 


The book includes decades of academic observations and details the author’s personal political experience. It reviews and reflects on the past trajectory of governance and administration, identifying strengths and capabilities as well as constraints and vulnerabilities of Hong Kong as a polity and society, while charting its course of "exceptionalism" within a new context and under changing conditions. Of particular interest is the 8,000-word postscript which puts the book into the context of recent events.


During the event, both Prof. Cheung and Prof Liu shared their views about Hong Kong's "exceptionalism". Prof. Cheung also shared the content of his new book and his reasons for writing it. He explained that reviewing the governance and administrative history of Hong Kong will help to better understand the developmental direction of Hong Kong under "One Country, Two Systems” and the various factors influencing this trajectory. He further elaborated on the challenges faced regarding "exceptionalism" in Hong Kong and explored the value of hindsight in today's context when understanding governance and administration. 


This book and other selected politics and public policy titles will be available at a 20% discount until 30 November 2021. If you are interested in knowing more about Hong Kong’s governance and public administration, please visit our website: www.cityu.edu.hk/upress/hong-kong-politics-sales